Ali's 4th Birthday is coming up


Zachery's Birthday Count Down.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Birthday Cake!

Zac was soo excited to eat his cake!

It took him a couple of minutes to get in to it...

When he finally did, it was MESSY!Posted by Picasa

Baby Zac's 1st Birthday!

Zac eating Birthday Cake!

The cousins and neighbors playing at Zac's party!

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Uncle Tom's visit!

On top of the Space Needle!

Tom with the babes! We had a great visit!

Thanks for visiting Tom!

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Watering Baby Cara!

Watering Baby Cara!

Eating Raw tomatoes!

Daddy love!Posted by Picasa

Brotherly Love!

Loves and Hugs!

Ali is starting to hold her brother and give him a bottle!

About 10 months too late!

Grumpy Bunny!Posted by Picasa