Ali's 4th Birthday is coming up


Zachery's Birthday Count Down.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

The kiddos!

Ali dressing herself Again!
Baby Zac. Don't you love that smile. You should hear him laugh.
As of today, he is no longer in his baby seat. He weighs too much, so he is in a big boy car seat.
Our Big Girl!

Update on US:
Ali is potty training with a lot of success. She is earning those M&M's left and right. She is becoming such a little girl. Her babyness is disappearing, which is hard! Mike and I agree that she definitely rules the roost. We do what Ali wants to do, when Ali wants to do it.... Okay, not all of the time. But everything is tailored around her and he emotions (I wonder where she get those emotions from, hmmmmm).
Zacaroo (Aka Bubba, Slug o matic, and Tacos the Clown) is quite a slug (he is still working on rolling over). He had his 6 month check up and was almost 22 pounds. OF course he was above 100% in everything, he is my son! He has two teeth, he got them both last month (November 9 & 11) I believe. He has 4 more ready to burst. What a sweet, cute, loving baby. I can't wait to see who he becomes.
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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Aren't they cute!

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Halloween and such

We had a very busy October. We went to the pumpkin patch with Kristin, Nick, and Cara. We had our 4th Annual Halloween party and we watch Zac not roll over! :)